Kevin Groat

Kevin Groat

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I am a driven full-stack software engineer and architect. I believe in writing maintainable code and user-friendly experiences. I am familiar with everything JavaScript and Typescript, and am constantly striving to better my trade through new projects and code katas. I aim to bring psychological safety to every team I am on, and feel open communication is key to having a high-performing team.



November 2022 - Present

Lead Frontend Engineer for SurveyJunkie

Leading the frontend team transitioning SurveyJunkie from an Angular and PHP monolithic codebase to a modular React codebase. Devised new architectural patterns for the React project that allow for more code reuse and maintainability. Introduced new technologies to the stack, including Cypress for end-to-end testing and SWR for interacting with REST APIs. Refactored large swaths of code to make them more maintainable and cleaner.


Oracle Data Cloud / Oracle Advertising

November 2018 - November 2022

Software Architect for custom App Gateway

Designed and implemented an App Gateway sitting in front of and managing multi-tenant applications. Created tooling to allow each tenant to have their own identity domain and segregated data.

ReactTypeScriptJavaSpring BootJUnitkubernetesnginxOracle Cloud InfrastructureOracle IDCSGitLab

Senior Developer for BlueKai DMP

Rebuilt the frontend of BlueKai from a Ruby on Rails thin client to a React and TypeScript project. Implemented complex logic within a monolithic Spring codebase. Worked closely with designers to implement a re-usable React component framework, including a complex tree-structure component.

ReactTypeScriptJavaSpringJUnitkubernetesnginxRuby on RailsGitLabFigma

Excella Consulting

April 2012 - November 2018

Voice of America

Single-handedly built native mobile applications in over 10 languages using a single codebase. Integrated a VPN tunnel for discreet access to news from areas where such information might be limited. Helped design and integrated with a serverless GraphQL endpoint for gathering and displaying news media.

ReactTypeScriptCordovaJavaSwiftGraphQLServerlessAWS Lambdai18nextGitHub

USCIS - myUSCIS application suite

Maintained two applications and led effort to bring React, Redux, and GraphQL into projects. Served as surrogate to UX team to help build a better user experience using React and more effective microinteractions.

ReactReduxRuby on RailsGraphQLJenkinsGitHub

USCIS - Civics Test Study Tools

Architected and developed a React Native application to allow immigrants to prepare for the US citizenship test. Created strong testing framework, pipeline, and build tools to ensure high quality code and easily publishable product.

React NativeTypeScriptReduxGitHub

NRECA - Retirement, Payment & Distribution

Led a team of 4 developers to build an application to manage the payment and distributions of a $200M pension fund. Architected a .NET application backend and Backbone/AngularJS front end with more than 1 million lines of code.


NRECA - Online Projections

Built a web application to interface with Cobol mainframe in order to serve clients a projection of their eventual retirement or death benefits from a $200M pension fund.



Sound Color Project

Featured at the Smithsonian's SoundScene2020, Sound Color Project explores the accessibility of sound through color, light, and texture, offering an opportunity to experience the sound spectrum visually. Though it began as a way to offer D/deaf or hard of hearing individuals an opportunity to visualize the feeling of music, the project has evolved into a system for exploring the ways that sound and color relate to each other.
See the code
ReactTypeScriptWebGLWeb Audio APIProgressive Web Appheroku

Planning Poker

A simple, intuitive way to collaborate on pointing stories during SCRUM backlog grooming or planning. Each member of the team gets to select their estimate, and the facilitator flips all of the cards at once to view all of the votes. Clear indicators show what users have chosen their estimates, and which members are still thinking.
See the code
QwikTypeScriptSupabaseQwikCityPostgreSQLviteGoogle Cloud Run

Quote Explorer

A fun little app which lets you submit and explore quotes from famous people throughout history. Built with Next.js, Prisma, and Next Auth, this project showcases some best practices surrounding using server-side rendering and server actions.
See the code
ReactTypeScriptNext.jsReact QueryPrismaPostgreSQLVercel